A beiratkozás feltételei:
- A Könyvtár tagja lehet mindenki. A beiratkozás személyesen, a Belépési Nyilatkozat aláírásával történik, kivételes esetben lehetőség van meghatalmazott útján történő beiratkozásra és kölcsönzésre.
- A beiratkozáshoz szükséges dokumentumok:
- személyi igazolvány (vagy útlevél / tartózkodási engedély / kártyaformátumú vezetői engedély)
- diákok esetében az aktuális félévre érvényesített diákigazolvány (ennek hiányában iskolalátogatási igazolás)
- a PTE hallgatói részéről kötelező a Neptun kód megadása
- beiratkozási kedvezmény igénybe vételéhez a jogosultság érdemi igazolása szükséges.
- 18 éven aluliaknak Jótállási nyilatkozat szükséges (letölthető nyilatkozat)
- Az olvasójegyet, annak lejárta után is meg kell őrizni, és a legközelebbi beiratkozáskor magával kell hoznia. Ennek hiányában az új olvasójegy ára 1000 Ft
Kizárólag helyben használatot biztosító regisztráció |
Díj |
Érvényesség ideje |
Napijegy |
Ingyenes |
Kiadás napja |
Éves Látogatójegy |
1000 Ft |
12 hónap |
Egyedi olvasójegy |
500 Ft (felár) |
Olvasójegy, ingyenes napijegy, éves látogatójegy pótlás |
1000 Ft |
Kártérítési díj:
Az elveszett vagy sérülten visszahozott dokumentumok esetében a Könyvtár által megállapított gyűjteményi érték a térítés alapja, amely az eredeti érték többszöröse is lehet!
Beiratkozott Könyvtárhasználóink jogosultak a Könyvtár alapszolgáltatásokon túli egyéb szolgáltatásainak használatára, a következők szerint:
- Kölcsönzés, melynek részleteit a Szabályzat tartalmazza
- Különgyűjtemények használata. Az egyes különgyűjtemények, speciális állományrészek használati rendjéről, kölcsönzéséről a Szabályzat mellékletben rendelkezik
- Könyvtárközi kölcsönzés
- Tájékoztatás igénybevétele
- Reprográfia
- Használó képzés: könyvtárhasználat, számítógép, internet, adatbázis használat
- Könyvtár által a könyvtári gépekre telepített programok használata
- Könyvtár által előfizetett e-adatbázisok és elektronikus folyóiratok használata
- Könyvtár állományában lévő CD-ROM-ok, DVD-ROM-ok helyben használata
- pendrive-, CD- és DVD-írás
- NAVA- szolgáltatás
Registration conditions:
Everyone can be a member of the Library. Registration is done personally by signing the entry declaration, and in exceptional cases it is possible to enroll and loan via proxy by submitting the completed authorization forms.
Non-lecturing staff of the University of Pécs should also sign a staff statement.
Necessary documents:
- identity card / passport / residence permit / card format – driving license;
- in the case of students, the student card valid for the current semester (in the absence of this, a certificate of student status);
- NEPTUN code for UPstudents;
- a warranty statement for people under 18 years of age.
In order to benefit from the registration, you must have a valid proof of entitlement.
Please keep the expired library card and bring it with you when you enroll. In the absence of this, the price of the new library card is 1000 Ft.
The library also offers free daily cards for local use.
Basic library services:
The following basic services are free for the library user:
- visiting the library,
- local use of the library collections,
- use of traditional / printed file exploration tools (catalogs),
- information regarding academic literature / basic information,
- use of electronic / online file exploration tools (catalogs),
- information about the library and library system services,
- non-registration services available through the library website.
Library registration services:
- loan from the library assigned parts of the substance,
- book reservation,
- interlibrary loan,
- advanced information regarding academic literature,
- use of the Local History and Music Collections,
- computer and internet usage, Wi-Fi access
- using the programs installed by the library on library machines,
- the use of e-databases and electronic journals subscribed by the library,
- local use of CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs in the library,
- NAVA service
Membership |
Fee |
Loan period (month) |
Maximum number of documents that can be loaned |
Duration |
Renewal (month) |
Late fee |
Under 16 years of age |
Free |
12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/day/document |
Over 70 years of age |
Free |
12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/day/document |
Employees of library- or museum institutions and archives |
Free |
12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/day/document |
Retired workers of the University of Pécs University Library and Centre for Learning, the Csorba Győző Library, and other libraries in Pécs and their predecessors |
Free |
12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Students of the University of Pécs |
Free |
each year 31 October |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
1 E-book reader |
1 month |
1x1 month |
200 Ft/ day/device |
Researchers and PhD students of the University of Pécs, Collegium for Advanced Studies students |
Free |
each year 31 October |
15 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
1 E-book reader |
1 month |
1x1 month |
200 Ft/ day/device |
Employees of the University of Pécs |
Free |
12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Officers and the secretariat of the Universitas Quinqueecclesiensis Foundation |
Free |
12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
0 Ft |
Employees of the Office of the Municipality of Pécs County Municipality, Local Government Representatives of Pécs County Municipality, Employees of Baranya County Municipality, Local Government Representatives of Baranya County Municipality, Employees of the Social Care Centre of Pécs (Ellátóház), Employees of the Apáczai Csere János Primary School, Secondary School, College and Primary Art School of Pécs, Employees of the Apáczai Kindergarten |
Free |
12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Students and lecturers of the Theological College of Pécs and students of educational establishments specified by the managing authority who enroll free of charge (students of the following: Apáczai Csere János Primary School, Secondary School, College and Primary Art School of Pécs; PTE nr.1 Primary Training School; PTE Deák Ferenc Teachers' Training High School and Elementary School; PTE Illyés Gyula Primary Art School and Kindergarten of Szekszárd) |
Free |
each year 31 October |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Students and lecturers of the Dharma Gate Buddhist College (Mánfa) |
Free of charge to the libraries operating in the Knowledge Centre |
each year 31 August |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Employees of the BAT Hungary and OTP |
Free |
12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
People with certificated disability, blind or partially sighted, people with an intellectual disability, people with autism, deaf or hard of hearing people, people with reduced mobility |
Free |
12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Persons employed by the business association operating the South Transdanubian Regional Library and Centre for Learning and members of the security staff serving in the building |
Free |
12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Lecturers of the University of Pécs |
Free |
12 months
20 |
3 month |
3*1 month |
0 Ft |
Active retired lecturers of the University of Pécs |
Free |
12 months |
20 |
3 month |
3*1 month |
0 Ft |
Teachers organizing and accompanying children's groups |
Free |
12 months |
20 |
3 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Employees of the National Theater of Pécs, Pannon Philharmonic – Pécs Ltd., Bóbita Puppet Theater, Zsolnay Heritage Management Ltd., Cultural Centre of Pécs, Croatian Theater, Third Theater |
1600 Ft/12 months 1200 Ft/6 months |
6 or 12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Students over 16 years of age with valid student ID (not students of the University of Pécs, not students of the Theological College of Pécs and not students of educational establishments specified by the managing authority who enroll free of charge) |
1600 Ft/12 months 1200 Ft/6 months |
6 or 12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Retired people (until 70 years of age) |
1600 Ft/12 months 1200 Ft/6 months |
6 or 12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Pedagogues |
1600 Ft/12 months 1200 Ft/6 months |
6 or 12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Unemployed, working age people who are entitled to either: unemployment benefit / unemployment benefit before retirement / wage compensation benefit / active age supply |
1600 Ft/12 months 1200 Ft/6 months |
6 or 12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
People who are entitled to pregnancy confinement benefit / childcare fee and childcare allowance |
1600 Ft/12 months 1200 Ft/6 months |
6 or 12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Personnel of the Baranya County Police Headquarters |
1600 Ft/12 months 1200 Ft/6 months |
6 or 12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
PTE Alumni |
2880 Ft/12 months 1980 Ft/6 months |
6 or 12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Tüke Card owners |
2720 Ft/12 months 1870 Ft/6 months |
6 or 12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
External lecturers of the University of Pécs |
3200 Ft/12 months 2200 Ft/6 months |
6 or 12 months |
15 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Other |
3200 Ft/12 months 2200 Ft/6 months |
6 or 12 months |
10 |
1 month |
2*1 month |
20 Ft/ day/document |
Registration exclusively for local use |
Fee |
Validity Period |
Daily ticket |
Free |
Day of issue |
Annual visitor card |
1000 Ft |
12 months |
Unique library card | 500 Ft (extra charge) | |
Library card replacement (annual, daily) | 1000 Ft |
In the case of lost or damaged documents, the collection value determined by the Library is the basis for reimbursement, which may be several times the original value!
Compensation for lost/damaged devices
Device |
Fee (Ft/document/day) |
E-book reader |
60.000 |
E-book reader – charger |
10.000 |
Tablet |
120.000 |
Tablet – charger |
10.000 |
Interlibrary loan
Loan type |
Fee |
For a document requested from abroad |
4500,- Ft/ document return postage |
For a domestic document |
Return postage |
Copy request |
Amount established by the sender library return postage |
Digital request |
Amount established by the sender library |
Late fees
Document type |
Fee (Ft/document/day) |
Document (book, DVD, CD, board game) |
20 |
E-book reader |
200 |
Tablet |
120 000 (once) |
Tablet – charger |
5000 (once) |
Tablet – charger without cable |
5000 (once) |
Led lamp |
10000 |
Postage (in case of letter of formal notice) |
200 / letter |
User type |
Maximum number of documents that can be reserved at a time |
Fee (Ft/document) |
University of Pécs students |
10 |
100 |
University of Pécs researcher, PhD students, Collegium for Advanced Studies students |
15 |
100 |
University of Pécs lecturer |
20 |
0 |
Other |
10 |
100 |
E-book reader |
University of Pécs lecturer, student, researcher, PhD student, Collegium for Advanced Studies students, employee |
1 |
400 |
Copying and Binding Services
Self-service photocopying/ printing |
Copy Center |
Local History Collection |
Photocopying and printing on normal paper (80g) |
A/4 black and white |
15 Ft/page |
30 Ft/page |
40 Ft/page |
A/4 colour |
120 Ft/page |
100 Ft/page |
A/3 black and white |
25 Ft/page |
40 Ft/page |
50 Ft/page |
A/3 colour |
250 Ft/page |
180 Ft/page |
Photocopying and printing on cardboard (120 g) |
A/4 black and white |
60 Ft/page |
A/4 colour |
120 Ft/page |
A/3 black and white |
70 Ft/page |
A/3 colour |
200 Ft/page |
Scanning |
from original document (until size A/3) |
free of charge |
120 Ft/page |
150 Ft/page |
from original document (until size A/2) |
300 Ft/page |
map (until size A/3) |
400 Ft/page |
map (until size A/2) |
700 Ft/page |
Spiral binding |
10-40 page |
450 Ft |
41-120 page |
500 Ft |
Lamination |
A4 |
200 Ft/page |
A3 |
350 Ft/page |
The fee schedule for library services is effective from January 1, 2023.